# Quick reference
Name | GET | Description | |
Width | w | Sets the width of the image, in pixels. | info |
Height | h | Sets the height of the image, in pixels. | info |
Device pixel ratio | dpr | Sets the output density of the image. | info |
Fit | fit | Sets how the image is fitted to its target dimensions. | info |
Contain background | cbg | Sets the background color when using &fit=contain . | info |
Without enlargement | we | Do not enlarge the image. | info |
Alignment position | a | Sets how the image is aligned. | info |
Rectangle crop | crop | Crops the image to specific dimensions. | info |
Pre-resize crop | precrop | A pre-resize crop behaviour. | info |
Trim | trim | Trim "boring" pixels from all edges. | info |
Masking | mask | Sets the mask type from a predefined list. | info |
Mask trim | mtrim | Removes the remaining whitespace from the mask. | info |
Mask background | mbg | Sets the background color of the mask. | info |
Flip | flip | Flip the image about the vertical Y axis. | info |
Flop | flop | Flop the image about the horizontal X axis. | info |
Rotation | ro | Rotates the image. | info |
Rotation background | rbg | Sets the background color when rotating by arbitrary angles. | info |
Background | bg | Sets the background color of the image. | info |
Blur | blur | Adds a blur effect to the image. | info |
Brightness | bri | Adjusts the image brightness. | info |
Contrast | con | Adjusts the image contrast. | info |
Filter | filt | Applies a filter effect to the image. | info |
Gamma | gam | Adjusts the image gamma. | info |
Sharpen | sharp | Sharpen the image. | info |
Tint | tint | Tint the image. | info |
Adaptive filter | af | A filter algorithm that can be applied before compression. | info |
Base64 (data URL) | encoding | Encodes the image to be used directly in the src= of the <img> -tag. | info |
Cache-Control | maxage | How long an image should be cached by the browser. | info |
Compression level | l | The zlib compression level. | info |
Default image | default | Redirects to a default image when there is a problem loading an image. | info |
Filename | filename | To specify the filename. | info |
Interlace / progressive | il | Adds interlacing to GIF and PNG. JPEG's become progressive. | info |
Number of pages | n | To select the the number of pages to render. | info |
Output | output | Encodes the image to a specific format. | info |
Page | page | To load a given page. | info |
Quality | q | Defines the quality of the image. | info |
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